Student Loan Bureau

The Student Loan Bureau (SLB) is known for its contribution towards the educational growth and development of less fortunate students. The reality is, however, that those students who should benefit from the programme are constantly being harassed by the Student Loan Bureau. In addition there are numerous service charges and varying interest rates associated with these loans that the Student Loan Bureau offers, and one has to wonder if the organisation is really operating in the interest of the students.
Lack of information, inadequate support and incompetent staff at the student loan bureau make it difficult for anyone to pursue studies successfully.
Repayment of student loans has also become a significant feature of indebtedness as there are more and more programmes targeting working Students, with loans available for such study from credit unions, other financial institutions and the Student Loan Bureau itself. Since its establishment in 1970 the Student Loan Bureau has assisted over 50,000 persons in achieving tertiary education.

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